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2022-2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

2023 Kentucky State Assessment Results:

  Math Proficient Math Distinguished Reading Proficient Reading Distinguished
Elementary 31% 12% 26% 22%
Middle 26% 10% 30% 15%
High 27% 11% 32% 14%

Bullpup Spotlight

We are proud of each member of our Bullpup Family including not only our students and staff. Here in the Bullpup Spotlight you will able to find special events, lessons, and and achievements we are proud of as a Bullpup Community.

VETERANS' Day Celebration & Purple Star Presentation

We are thankful to be a part of the military community and connected with with Fort Knox. We are proud of our faculty and staff who have served and equally proud to serve our military's kids and families. Click the link to see our celebration!

Fourth Grade Teacher, Ms. Lutz Presents Morphology

Fourth Grade Teacher, Mrs. Winder Presents Morphology

Morphology is the study of meaningful units of language, called morphemes, and how they are combined in forming words. Understanding how language is formed, helps our students become stronger readers and writers. Don't miss out on these great presentations! Click the link.

Mr. Goodman 5th Grade STEAM

Mr. Goodman and students created lights and circuits. While applying it to origami art. To learn more click the link to watch their video.  



KYACDA All State Children's Chorus NHES Members


Mrs. Day, Arts and Humanities teacher, lead our students Evah Curry, Teonna Smalls, Sarah Graff, and Javier Medrano at the KYACDA All State Children's Chorus in Richmond, KY.  Our students had to audition and were selected from hundreds of elementary students across the state to be a part of this event.  We are proud of you Bullpups!